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El Lopo Turns 6!

March 23, 2025 01:00 PM until March 23, 2025 11:30 PM

march 23th, 2025: el lopo’s iron anniversary

El Lopo's turning 6! On Sunday, March 23rd, we want to celebrate our 6th anniversary with the people who have gotten us this far. 

Some of the things we have in store:

  • more calçots! (still free but sorry you have to register now) 2-5pm

  • the release of the menu maker challenge winning dish

    at our last take-care-of-me night, we challenged our guests to a game where they joined forces to create new el lopo dishes. staff voted on their favorite, and the winning recipe becomes a reality at the anniversary party.

  • more to come...

currently, table reservations are only available to previous lopie winners and members of our take-care-of-me club. reservations for the general public will be open on thursday, february 27th. (you can also send us an email to beg us if you want. it'll probably work.)